Last night, as Traci and I walked around Bellingham, we devised a brilliant plan of touring Lynden's Raspberry festival.
This morning, it came to fruition. Our first stop was the all-you-can-eat raspberry pancake breakfast. We were both hungry and excited.
Traci had to excuse herself a few times during the meal:
(for details go to Luckily, there was a woman who lived in Rwanda for a while to converse with.
Afterwards we looked at old cars polished up new.
We took advantage of a bus that brought us out to this small winery where we went on a walking tour of 10 meters. We tasted a hazlenut wine that we later put our names on a waiting list to buy--it was surprisingly good.
And to the berry farm, where we
saw a picking machine
resisted the temptation of a pulled pork sandwhich by fleeing into the fields
and gorged ourselves on raspberries
Opon our arrival back in Lynden, we promptly ate raspberry smothered ice cream.
A fruitful day it was.