I have a terrible time with this blog. When I'm in the middle of something and have actually remembered my camera and care to take it out and use it, I think 'this would make a good blog entry.' This is the exact same as a few years ago, when driving or drifting off to sleep--sometimes at the same time, true moments of inspiration--I would think of a great idea for a story or an article for a paper or magazine, only to forget it.
Thus I forgot the glorious day when Traci and I rode the blue steed to:
For those of you unfamiliar with a landmark such as this, it's remarkably close to:
These next 8 photos recount the story of the heroic bovine dazzingly.
A farmer is plowing his field, minding his own business, unaware of the evil tiger lurking in the background.
The furious cat soon set upon his cow. The farmer brandishes a stick with all his might, though to no avail.
The tiger pounces upon him too.
The cow, being a might stronger and more heroic than our poor farmer, deals the tiger a counterattack the likes of which it has never seen.
The tiger is forced to flee, while the poor farmer lies dying.
Due to its bovine-inflicted wounds, the tiger also dies.
After the farmer dies, the cow is so grief stricken that it spends its next three days lowing instead of eating and also dies.
He and the farmer are buried next to each other and lie there happily ever after.
Further down the road we stopped and walked through an ancient cemetary of mounds the road mercilessly bisected. Larger, yes, though it lacked the heroic grandeur of the first grave.
And here is a random picture of me with a plate of food, taken during our children's day fest by the photographer the school hires for each event.
I videoed this same place when it was a kids photo factory, though I got greedy and it's too big for youtube. You're all probably beating your chests and gnashing your teeth in misery.